Why Isn’t My Painted Furniture Selling in August?


August is definitely a busy, stressful month for most people. Back to school, moving to college, getting out of the summer routine… all of these huge events contribute to why people might not be purchasing furniture during this month. Have you been wondering why your furniture isn’t selling during this month?

Check out this guide for a few reasons your flipped furniture hasn’t sold during the month of August:

1. People are still going on vacation. Summer vacation is hard for furniture flippers, but a dip in revenue is pretty standard across all industries. When people leave their homes, they tend to spend more in the tourism industry and less on everything else. Don’t fret, summer vacation is coming to an end soon!

2. People spend a lot more money outside of the house during the summer. Vacations, summer camps, theme parks… all of those those types of activities focus on getting out of the house and not worrying about what’s going on inside. As the weather gets colder and people stay in more, you should see a bump in sales!

3. People are just busy. If you’re a parent, you get it. Even if you’re not - the relaxing summer months are coming to an end and a lot of people are preparing to get back to work full time, go back to school/college, or just thinking about things other than home decor.

4. People are focusing their budgets on school supplies. School supplies, back-to-school clothes, backpacks… the things needed to buy for kids to return to school almost seem endless. A lot of people are probably budgeting for those expenses. The next few months should be more home focused as they prepare to host company!

5. You might be selling things that aren’t popular for this time of year. It’s back to school season! Make sure you are picking up desks, dorm furniture, and anything else that might benefit someone going to college or setting up a homework area for their kids. I would start focusing on other items in September to prepare for the holiday season.

6. Your staging might not be season appropriate anymore. Don’t completely drop the summer decor look yet, but start incorporating some fall staging items like pumpkins, leaves, etc. Consumers love the darker, warm vibes of fall and the slow season is a great time to start restaging your photos!

7. It may have nothing to do with the timing… check out this blog linked on things to try if your furniture isn’t selling. You may have low quality photos, out of style furniture, or overpriced work for your demographic.

There are lots of productive furniture flipping activities you can do in August besides selling. You can get ahead on projects so you have stock ready to go when selling picks up, re-stage and take new (and better!) photos of your pieces, and - most importantly - you can take a break! Creative minds need rest to maintain creativity, so don’t feel bad about taking the time to reset. Consider focusing on something less labor intensive such as updating your listings, researching products, and getting organized for the upcoming busy winter season!

For more tips like this, follow me on social media!

If you’re still feeling discouraged about selling your flipped furniture, try checking out my furniture flipping eCourse. I cover my entire process from start to finish and have a great Facebook group to ask for tips and tricks from other sellers. You can grab it while it’s on sale here!


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