What Are DIY Influencers Really Like In Real Life?

Are you a DIY enthusiast? Maybe you've tried your hand at crafting, home improvement, or even building your own furniture. If so, chances are you've come across DIY influencers on social media, sharing their creativity and expertise with the world. But have you ever wondered what they're like in real life? You may have even gone down a rabbit hole on Reddit. Well, you're in for a treat because we're about to peel back the curtain and take a closer look at the world of DIY influencers.

In case you don’t follow me yet, you can check me out on instagram here! I’m known for furniture flips and DIY projects, but I post much more than that.

Independent (We Only Ask for Help When Our Lives Depend on It)

One thing you'll quickly learn about DIY influencers is that they’re fiercely independent. They're the type of people who believe they can tackle any project, from fixing a leaky faucet to building a treehouse, armed only with a YouTube tutorial and a can-do attitude. They enjoy the thrill of learning new skills and taking on challenges head-on. Most refuse to rely on their spouses for help… but some (ahem, me) appreciate it.

But don't be fooled into thinking they never ask for help. When it comes to tasks that are truly beyond their expertise, they're not afraid to call in the professionals. I’ve been known to hire plumbers, electricians, painters, and more. Don’t forget that we have deadlines, too! If a brand needs a full room makeover in 24 hours, we may need to outsource some things.

They Support One Another and Cheer Each Other On

Despite their independent streak, DIY influencers are actually a tight-knit community. They understand the struggles and triumphs of DIY projects and offer support and encouragement to one another. It's not uncommon to see them commenting on each other's posts with words of praise or helpful tips. In the world of DIY, it's all about spreading the love and celebrating each other's successes. I’m in countless group texts sharing tips, and we try to meet in person as often as possible.

Drama-Free Zone

One surprising thing about DIY influencers is that they tend to be the most drama-free group of influencers out there (at least in my experience). While other niches might be filled with feuds and controversies, DIYers are too busy with their projects to get caught up in the drama. Their focus is on creativity, not conflict. I mean… what do we have to fight about? Which shade of white paint is best? Ha!

Funny and Intelligent 

Okay, I’m not tooting my own horn here, I promise. But every DIY influencer I have ever met has been SO AMAZING. It’s not surprising… if they’ve gotten tens of thousands of people to follow them online, they must be pretty cool. DIY influencers have turned craftsmanship into an art form, and their online presence reflects their unique blend of creativity, humor, and intelligence.

The Perks of Being a Full-Time Creator

For those lucky enough to be full-time creators, DIY influencers often have the advantage of not having to work within a tight budget for their projects. Thanks to free product sponsorships, affiliate commissions, and collaborations with brands, they have a steady stream of resources to fuel their creativity. This allows them to dream big and turn their DIY fantasies into reality, all while staying financially afloat. Many influencers (myself included) know this isn’t realistic for their followers. I try to keep budget in mind when doing projects so they are attainable for everyone.

A Diverse Bunch

What you see online may not be what you get in real life– though most of your perceptions are probably accurate. However, there have been a few influencers that totally surprised me. Maybe they didn’t look like their profile photo (not in a bad way– I’m not talking catfish level!), were a foot shorter than I expected, or ended up being extremely outgoing when I was picturing a quiet introvert. It’s a fun surprise when I find out I was wrong!

So there you have it, a sneak peek into the world of DIY influencers. They're independent but not afraid to ask for help when needed, they support one another with genuine enthusiasm, and they're the drama-free creators of the influencer realm. Whether you're a fellow DIYer or just a curious observer, one thing's for sure: DIY influencers bring a unique and refreshing perspective to the world of social media, one project at a time.

Don’t forget to tap here to follow me on Instagram. I keep it real, I promise.


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