7 Reasons Facebook Marketplace Slows Down in January

January is definitely a busy, stressful month for most people. Back to school, recovering from the holidays, trying to stick to resolutions… all of these huge events contribute to why people might not be purchasing furniture during this month. Have you been wondering why your items aren’t selling this January?

Check out this guide for a few reasons Facebook Marketplace slows down each January:

1. People are recovering from the holidays. Financially, most people are struggling after splurging on gifts last month. They also may be wiped out from traveling, Christmas events, and the stress of the holidays. Buying items and arranging pick up can be a task they just aren’t willing to deal with right now.

2. It’s freaking cold. Unless you’re reading this from Florida or Tahiti (take me with you!!), you are likely surrounded by snow. Even if it’s dry, not many people want to go load up a heavy dresser OR drive 20 minutes for a purse in 30 degree weather. Arranging delivery may help your items sell faster.

3. You may not be selling items that are needed right now. Besides obvious summer items (like pool equipment, summer clothing, open-toed shoes, etc.) you also need to consider what items are in high demand. Many people just got everything they want for Christmas— is your item a frequently given gift? If so, maybe no one needs it right now.

4. Buyers may be prioritizing their New Years’ resolutions. Some people have set goals of spending less money, decluttering and deep cleaning their home, or prioritizing their health. Health-focused items are often banned from Marketplace, but exercise equipment is a hot item in early January!

5. You might be selling things that aren’t popular for this time of year. It’s back to school season! Make sure you are picking up desks, dorm furniture, and anything else that might benefit someone going to college or setting up a homework area for their kids. I would start focusing on other items in September to prepare for the holiday season.

6. Your staging might not be season appropriate anymore. Don’t completely drop the summer decor look yet, but start incorporating some fall staging items like pumpkins, leaves, etc. Consumers love the darker, warm vibes of fall and the slow season is a great time to start restaging your photos!

7. It may have nothing to do with the timing… check out this blog linked on things to try if your furniture isn’t selling. You may have low quality photos, out of style furniture, or overpriced work for your demographic.

There are lots of productive activities you can do in January besides selling. You can declutter your home and have items ready to go when selling picks up, re-stage and take new (and better!) photos of the items that haven’t sold yet, and - most importantly - you can take a break!

For more tips like this, follow me on social media!

If you’re still feeling discouraged about selling your flipped furniture, try checking out my furniture flipping eCourse. I cover my entire process from start to finish and have a great Facebook group to ask for tips and tricks from other sellers. You can grab it while it’s on sale here!


8 Reasons Facebook Marketplace Slows Down in February


9 Reasons Your Items Aren’t Selling On Facebook Marketplace