8 Reasons Facebook Marketplace Slows Down in May

May is here! The weather is warming up, flowers are blooming, and the spring has arrived. But why doesn’t the weather have people reaching for their wallets or scrolling through Facebook Marketplace?

Here are a few things to consider about selling via Facebook Marketplace in May:

1. Taxes were due last month. Many people are still recovering from the knock to their savings account. If they’re struggling to buy groceries, buying your used purse probably won’t be their priority.

2. People are spending more time offline. We’ve been cooped up all winter, and it’s finally time to enjoy some warmer weather. Fortunately, phones make it easy to shop even when you’re outside. But it still may impact overall traffic.

3. It’s raining a lot and people do not want to deal with arranging pick up. You know the saying— “April showers bring May flowers.” Even if it’s a mere sprinkle, people don’t want to drive 20 minutes for a purse. It’s even harder if you’re selling larger items. Loading up a giant dresser in the rain is no fun. Offering delivery may help sell items this month.


4. People are saving for summer break and graduation. Graduation gifts, parties, and fees are expensive. On top of that, some buyers may be traveling or tanning on the beach right now (take me with you!!). If they’re planning a family vacation or getaway for next month, spending money on your item on Facebook may not be their priority right now.

5. You might be selling things that aren’t popular for this time of year. It’s May, so people aren’t focusing on Christmas decor or winter boots. Focus on summer items, and remember that items like desks won’t be popular until school is back in session.

6. People prefer to spend less money on Facebook marketplace than they do brand new. And it makes sense! Consider lowing your prices after studying what other people are selling their pieces for. Make sure you are in line with your competitors and aren’t too far off from the average selling price of your item.

7. People are busy in May. Gearing up for graduation, trips, and summer can take a lot out of us. Be patient this month and remember that the warmer weather (and less hectic schedules) seem to bring more willing customers… but it also brings plans that cost time and money.

8. It may have nothing to do with the timing… check out this blog linked on things to try if your furniture isn’t selling. You may have low quality photos, out of style furniture, or overpriced work for your demographic.

There are lots of productive activities you can do in May besides selling. You can get ahead on projects so you have stock ready to go when selling picks up, re-stage and take new (and better!) photos of your pieces, and - most importantly - you can take a break! Creative minds need rest to maintain creativity, so don’t feel bad about taking the time to reset.

For more tips like this, follow me on social media!


8 Reasons Facebook Marketplace Slows Down in June


8 Reasons Facebook Marketplace Slows Down in March