Fun New Year’s Resolutions Ideas For 2024

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There is something about the energy of a new year that gets me excited. After the year I’ve had, I’m really looking forward to making a few resolutions to help keep me on track in 2024. I’ve made a list of a few of my favorite past and upcoming resolution ideas:

1. Start flipping furniture. In 2020 I had a new baby, lots of free time, and essentially no money. On a whim, I started flipping furniture and it changed my life. Flipping furniture gave me a creative outlet, something new to learn, and extra income. Check out my list of the most essential DIY items to get you started on your flipping journey, and my Flip It! eCourse, where I teach you everything you need to know about finding, flipping, and selling furniture.

2. Keep your home clean. My house is in a constant state of “lived in” mess. I’m going to try to make it a goal to do one small thing every day to stay organized and clean. I’ve found that investing in cleaning products and tools you love can help you stay motivated to clean. After tons of research, I finally found a vacuum that I am totally obsessed with and an upholstery cleaner I love - and now I use both almost every single day. (Bonus for pet lovers: check out this pet hair remover!)

3. Drink more water. I’m that person that thinks drinking more water would solve 90% of my problems in life - but I’m also that person that finds it hard to remember to drink it. I found that using a nugget ice machine makes the water SO much better. Don’t ask for the science, just trust me!

4. Prioritize self care. Spend some time pampering yourself. When I need a reset, I have a list of items that I know will make me feel better. My special perfume, a bath with my soft towels, my foot massager, and lighting a candle are all at the top of my list. Think of what makes YOU feel good - and do more of it!

5. Take yourself on a solo date every week. I LOVE taking myself on a date. One of the best things I’ve done in life is to get comfortable being alone. I love taking myself out for lunch, to a movie, or a quick shopping run. Make it something you ENJOY, not just an errand.

6. Spend less money. My entire life changed when I began digging in the trash - really. I’m not talking about dumpster diving, I’m taking about curbside trash days in your neighborhood. You would be amazed at what some people throw out. Other things I do to save money include wearing dupes and grooming my own dog. Also consider thrifting, repurposing, budgeting, and joining free item Facebook groups.

7. Start therapy. This last year was rough for me. Starting therapy was one of the best choices I made this year, and I have zero plans to quit going. I use BetterHelp. If you think therapy might be great for you, here’s a link for two free weeks of BetterHelp (note, this is not a sponsored link and I don’t get any kind of return - I just genuinely love therapy).

Are you starting a New Year’s resolution not listed above? Let me know in the comments. Even if resolutions aren’t your vibe, I hope everyone has a happy and healthy 2024!

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